
Adolf Loos' Interiors in Pilsen with Adam Gebrian (20. 8.)

Architect Adam Gebrian will take you on a guided tour of the fascinating, yet still largely unknown interiors in Pilsen designed by Adolf Loos between 1907 and 1932: the Brummel House, the Vogel Apartment, the Kraus Apartment, the Hugo Semler Apartment and the Oscar Semler Apartment.

It was in Pilsen that Loos met his third wife Klara Beck, the daughter of Loos’s prominent investor Otto Beck. Many of the original Jewish house owners were killed in the WW II Nazi concentration camps and those who managed to flee the country had their property confiscated by the Communist regime after the War. It was only after the fall of Communism that the Brummel House at 58 Husova Street was restituted to the Brummel family descendants who carried out its gradual restoration. The Vogl Apartment at 10 Klatovská Street and the Kraus Apartment at 10 Bendova Street have already been restored while the Oskar Semler apartment at 110 Klatovská Street is currently being renovated.

Followed by Q&A with Magdalena Soukupová (Plzeň – TURISMUS). Ask your questions via https://www.sli.do/, using the hashtag #LoosPilsen

Adam Gebrian

Adam Gebrian is a Czech architect, theorist and promoter of architecture. A frequent contributor to newspapers and magazines, he has hosted his own programme on Radio Wave since 2009 and since 2018 he has been presenting two shows dedicated to architecture; Surprising Buildings and Gebrian: PLUS/MINUS on Mall.tv. In 2015, he was awarded the “Architect of the Year” prize for his publishing and discussion activities raising awareness of architectural culture. Organised by the Czech Centres in collaboration with Mall.tv, Plzeň City and Adolf Loos – Plzeň. Part of Adolf Loos / Pioneer of Modern Living, a series of events celebrating the 150th anniversary of Adolf Loos’ birth. https://www.facebook.com/AdolfLoosPioneerofModernLiving/
